Robin Graham, Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor, shares her journey

It all began with inner frustration.


While I was accomplishing goals, personally and professionally, I had this internal feeling like I had greatness in me that was blocked from being used to make a difference for myself and others.

As a former competitive swimmer, I understood willpower, discipline and determination to work hard and achieve success. Yet, the impact was not as effective in every other part of my life.

After working with Fortune 500 companies, I transitioned to joining my husband as an entrepreneur in 1991.

I began to teach and consult about activating the important inner drive that underlies all personal and business success. It is known that external motivation only gets you so far and for so long.

I was teaching goal setting and affirmations in corporate training workshops and knew that the subconscious was a critical component of achieving success.

Yet there was a gap between my knowledge and the outcomes in my life… I felt inauthentic when teaching goal setting and affirmation as if they were the answer to success when I knew there was more. I just didn’t know what it was.

Then in 1994 everything changed!

In our leadership and organizational consulting company, we used various development programs. During a January 1994 business conference, Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K®, was the keynote speaker.  Although I was not able to attend the conference, I listened to the presentation recording. After hearing Rob share about PSYCH-K®, I knew that I HAD to learn about this change process.

It was as if every cell in my body was chiming “YES! This is for you!”

A month later, I traveled to attend the PSYCH-K® Basic workshop. I discovered an effective, efficient way to align the subconscious beliefs or mindset with my conscious goals and was amazed at how much easier I experienced accomplishing goals – the internal resistance was gone!

I was astounded with the personal changes that I experienced within one week of the workshop.

For example, I often presented to small and large groups – I would be massively stressed about any presentation – weeks before and during! Seems I was not alone because it is researched that public speaking is one of the top fears for most people. My husband used to say that I avoided even holding silent prayer in a phone booth. 😔

Once I shifted my beliefs about being a successful presenter and that what I was sharing was important and impactful information – I now love to present and look forward to the opportunity!

I was so impressed by the simplicity and the accelerated impact where often life-long beliefs can be transformed within minutes rather than days, weeks or months! Wow! And as a bonus, what I learned in the workshops were available for me to use for myself, by myself anytime I wanted, as well as with other people when I started offering private sessions.

My husband noticed changes about me even when I was not aware of them. My subconscious was operating with new beliefs which allowed me to be more calm, centered and confident.

All of it was truly an empowering experience. And yet there was more to come.

In 1997, I was certified to be one of the first PSYCH-K® Basic Instructors in the world. And In 2003, I was certified to be one of the first Advanced Instructors in the world.

Currently, I teach the in-person PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop, Advanced Integration Workshop, Master Facilitation Workshop and Divine Integration Retreat as well as the PSYCH-K® Online Level 1 and Level 2.

In addition to teaching PSYCH-K®, I am also the Director of Training for PSYCH-K®.

I also offer private sessions in person, on the phone or via online video, which can be focused with personal development as well as professional mindset transformation. With over 30 years of experience, my approach is efficient, effective and spirit centered. My business experience includes 10 years in corporate positions and over 30 years as an entrepreneur working with corporations and leaders at all levels as well as individuals in various business positions.

PSYCH-K® has been an immense gift in my life. I have had the opportunity to travel the world and present, teach, and offer private sessions on six continents with 1000’s of people yet the greatest gift is being a guide for someone to discover their inner freedom of choice so they can live their greatness while learning how to continue to evolve in their life from a state of peace.

Are you ready to experience the blessings of joy and peace in your life? If YES, then either start with a private session or get yourself to a workshop! You deserve this!


Robin L Graham                                               

                                 901.757.4434 (not for texting)

Memphis Tennessee USA