Originator of PSYCH-K®
and author of PSYCH-K®…The Missing Piece/Peace in Your Life!
Rob has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy from the University of California, at Los Angeles, and a Masters Degree in Counseling and Personnel Services from the University of Colorado. He is President of The Myrddin Corporation, doing business as the PSYCH-K® Centre International.
For the first 14 years of his career, Rob was a direct participant in the U.S. corporate world, holding management positions in the backpacking, energy management, and telecommunications industries. Experiencing a spiritual awakening during this time, he moved out of the business environment into a life of service as a professional psychotherapist. Finding the accepted counseling philosophy of the day lacking in spiritual essence and overall effectiveness, he studied many non-standard modalities for change, both ancient and contemporary. Out of his studies came a series of intuitive insights that became the body of work called PSYCH-K®.
Originated in 1988, PSYCH-K® is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all human behavior originates, both constructive and destructive. Its overall goal is to accelerate individual and global spiritual evolution by aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious wisdom from the world’s great spiritual and intellectual traditions. The practical application of this wisdom in our personal and professional lives brings a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. PSYCH-K® is taught world-wide by Certified PSYCH-K® Instructors.
See the video interview series with Rob Williams, on YouTube: Click here.
PSYCH-K®…The Missing Piece/Peace in Your Life, is available at Amazon.com and other book distributors, in softback and Kindle versions.