Lori Davis

Lori Davis

Biographical Information

For over 20 years I have been a clinical hypnotherapist, enjoying working with people on a Subconscious level. I love that I can help rid my clients of subconscious behaviors and thoughts that are holding them back.

A client introduced me to PSYCH-K and I'll admit I was a bit skeptical but intrigued, I thought "something that could alter subconscious beliefs without hypnosis?!" I am simply amazed by the results that I've gotten not only with myself but with my clients by utilizing PSYCH-K. In my personal life I have been able to get past blocks with relationships, success, and even allergies! This tool is easy to understand, easy to use and gets great results.

I have completed PSYCH-K Basic, Advanced, Master facilitator as well as Health & Well-being courses.

As a survivor of an abusive relationship, I’ve found assisting people, who have had trauma in their lives empowering. People who need assistance letting go of the pain, stress and anxiety
are then able to move forward unencumbered.

As a life coach working in a holistic manner, utilizing PSYCH-K, hypnosis and Reiki, I have assisted my clients to reach their full potential and discover their authentic self.




1 702 419-4549


United States





Las Vegas



Session types:

In-person, Online, Phone

Training program:

Master Facilitation Workshop, Health and Wellbeing Program

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