Suzana Barbosa

Suzana Barbosa

Biographical Information

I look at PSYCH-K® through the lens of nature - why? because nature is -wholeheartedly essence. Nature is flow, flexibility and adaptability bringing acceptance, emerging purpose and peace. This scientific modality offers refuge from cluttered, limited thought patterns into your true essence where you get to make and live new choices for yourself. You will live authentically with the emotions you choose; peace, connection, love - yes you will!

My personal journey was really about transforming old traumas that were holding me back. Feeling undeserving, unworthy, unlovable were common blocks that were hindering the life I wanted to live. Consciously I knew what I wanted but subconsciously I was programmed to self sabotage. My life is completely different, and I am grateful everyday for learning about this whole brain technique. This doesn't mean I do not have negative experiences but my perception of those experiences are completely different and negative experiences do not take up space nor rule my life anymore.

I love liberating people from their traumas and really honing in on the subconscious setbacks these traumas have created and then transforming them into the life you want, and deserve.

I also specialize in working with women who feel unworthy, low self esteem, fear and stress.

Firstly, we will identify the current circumstances in your life where you are feeling stress, trapped, or overwhelm, then we will transform those feelings into a state of peace. From there, I will support you in activating your essence, building your new story, and the new reality you want to create in your life.

It is hard to believe, I know, but trust the process. I am happy to speak with you when you are ready. It is always an honour to facilitate these sessions and I look forward to holding space for you.



+45 52693701





Copenhagen, Roskilde



Session types:

Online, Phone, In-person

Training program:

Advanced Workshop, Master Facilitation Workshop, PSYCH-K® Pro

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