Biographical Information
I am from Brazil where I practiced Western medicine as a Doctor for 30 years in my own clinic. Over this time, I saw thousands of patients. As a result of my interest in holistic approaches to medicine, I have expertise in Nutrition, Biochemistry (study of biochemistry chains and oxidant/ antioxidant reactions), Homeopathy, and Bioenergy Healing. I developed a knowledge of how the body works and an understanding of underlying illnesses when the mind and emotions are out of balance.
Although I have all this knowledge something was missing, people got better for a while and then return showing a lack of balance again.
My interest in helping people, with emotional and physical issues, has led me to PSYCH-K® an amazing tool to change people’s lives. After I have completed the PSYCH-K® Basic, Advanced Integration, Master Facilitation Workshop, and PSYCH-K® Health & Wellbeing Program I was able to understand how stress and states of consciousness affect the body. I am very passionate about guiding people to find their way to reprogram their limiting beliefs and sabotage behaviors, so they can enjoy freedom and happiness. PSYCH-K® can help you to deal with anxiety, fear, grief, stress, self-esteem, and much more.
Nowadays, as scientist principles related to Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and Epigenetics are binding the worlds of Science and Spirit, we can potentially experience unlimited possibilities. I agree with Albert Einstein when he said that “The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the power of all true science”.
Find out how PSYCH-K® can transform your life. Schedule your appointment at Or +1 (778) 871-5443
Port Moody
English, Portuguese
Session types:
Online, In-person, Phone
Training program:
Master Facilitation Workshop, Health and Wellbeing Program, PSYCH-K® Pro