Mari Zilberman

Mari Zilberman

Biographical Information

Feeling utterly overwhelmed by the demands of modern life? Feeling like you're running on empty? Can't seem to catch a single restful night's sleep?

I see you. I was once a high-powered VP navigating the high-pressure world of tech, just like you. Juggling everything left me constantly stressed and exhausted. Sleep became a luxury, and maintaining healthy relationships felt like an impossible feat. To top it all off, I constantly doubted my abilities, feeling like a fraud despite my accomplishments (that's imposter syndrome for you!).

But there's a way out.

Through my own journey, I discovered the transformative power of energy balancing, particularly Psych-K®. It allowed me to break free from the limiting beliefs that were holding me back and finally find peace, restful sleep, and a renewed sense of purpose. Now, my mission is to empower amazing women in tech like you to do the same.

Together, we can:
• Identify and gently release the beliefs that fuel your stress and imposter syndrome
• Cultivate inner strength and resilience to navigate demanding workloads
• Finally reclaim your nights and wake up feeling refreshed and empowered
• Develop healthier work relationships and create a more fulfilling life outside the office

Imagine a life where you feel centered, calm, and in control, even on your busiest days. Picture yourself fully embracing your family and commitments, free from overwhelming stress or anxiety. Imagine waking up feeling focused, energized, and ready to crush your goals. That's precisely what PSYCH-K® can offer you.
Don't keep pushing through burnout. Let's rewrite your stress story – together.





United States



New York





Session types:

Online, Phone, In-person

Training program:

Advanced Workshop, Master Facilitation Workshop

Instagram profile