Jane Ponsonby

Jane Ponsonby

Biographical Information

For the past 25 years I have been a Healthcare Practitioner, harnessing the power of the mind-body connection to improve mental and physical health by using Reflexology, Vacuflex, Kinesiology and PSYCH-K®. This has been wonderful for many of my clients, however over the last few years I have noticed that many people are becoming “stuck” and perpetually attracting the same things to their lives.  We understand the power of the mind and the impact of stress and the effect it has over everything. We try to make conscious, positive changes and affirmations but things stay the same. 
This prompted me redo the Basic Course and complete the Master Facilitator workshop in late 2019. The PSYCH-K® process is simple and powerful with the ability to transform people’s lives by changing the self-limiting beliefs we hold in our sub-conscious. 
 PSYCH-K® takes you to the root of the matter even though we often are consciously unaware of it. The effects can be immediate and lasting. Once old memories and limiting beliefs are addressed, new empowering beliefs are installed, similar to new software on a computer. 
Sessions are 90 minutes for first and 60 minutes for subsequent sessions. In person (Mosman Park WA), Zoom/Skype or by telephone. Learn more by clicking the website http://toetoheelreflexology.ntpages.com.au/about_us/3323










Session types:

Online, In-person

Training program:

Master Facilitation Workshop

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