PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 1


Create and Live the Life You’ve IMAGINED – TODAY! With PSYCH-K®!

This Workshop allows people from all over the world to learn PSYCH-K® for their personal use. without ever leaving home! See below for what’s in store.

Location: Online – from anywhere in the world!

Dates: February 17-19, 2025 in North, Central, South America + Europe

Across a Variety of Time Zones:

9:00 am – 3:30/4:00 pm North America (Vancouver/LA)
12:00 pm – 6:30/7 pm North America (Montreal/New York)
5:00 pm – 11:30/12 midnight Europe (London)

Investment: $750 USD 

What Dr. Bruce Lipton has to say – world renowned speaker, best selling Hay House author, cellular biologist and PSYCH-K® champion!!!

“The ‘secret to life’ is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K® is a simple, self-empowering process to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level. I have personal experience with PSYCH-K® and I am confident in its integrity, simplicity and effectiveness.”   — Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Cellular Biologist, author of The Biology of Belief


During these experiential 3 days you will learn:

  • How to create a powerful collaboration between your conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds, in order to transform limiting beliefs and reach your desired goals in life.
  • How to use Muscle Testing to communicate directly with your subconscious mind, where at least 95% of your thoughts and actions originate.
  • How to speak the language of your subconscious mind that is different from the language of your conscious mind!
  • How to transform the perception of a stressful or traumatic event from the past that limits the full expression of your life in the present.
  • How to use a simple 4-step PSYCH-K® process to help resolve problems and stressors in your daily life.
  • How to utilize the Wisdom of Mother Nature in every area of your life, by integrating eleven key Principles of Nature that you will learn in the workshop.
  • How, besides serving yourself, you can also serve all of humanity simply and effectively by using a specific process called The Gaia Protocol!
Post Workshop Support:
After the workshop, Sandra hosts a followup call to support and help integrate your learning. You are also invited to participate and stay connected within an online group of fellow participants, where conversations and sharing are inspiring and supportive.
Note: If you wish to learn PSYCH-K® to support yourself and others, then the in-person PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop is for you or … plan to continue your learning within the PSYCH-K® Workshop – Online Level 2.
Your instructor for this workshop is:
Sandra Wallin, BSc, BEd, MA, RCC
Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor – Online Level 1, Basic, Advanced Integration, Master Facilitation and Divine Integration Retreat


About Sandra

CLICK Here to Watch a Conversation with Sandra about her journey with PSYCH-K®

Sandra is from Vancouver, Canada. She was a school teacher and counsellor for 22 years and has been a psychotherapist for almost as long. In 2008, after a horseback riding accident left her unconscious and broken, she began to use the PSYCH-K® processes she’d been sharing with others, with herself. Her healing progressed exponentially! She knew then she had to learn as much as she could about PSYCH-K®.

Two months after the accident, Sandra became a Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor and has since had the pleasure of sharing these life changing processes with people the world over; in open workshop settings, within schools, organizations and communities, and at the request of Dr. Bruce Lipton, at a maximum security prison where she’s been helping men serving life sentences, break free from the prison of their limiting beliefs.

What participants have to say about Sandra:

Sandra is warm, inviting, well spoken, generous, engaged, and open. She looks at people when they speak with her which I love. – Arlie

The most amazing teacher. Clear. Concise. Positive. Encouraging. Safe. -Vicki

I love listening to Sandra and always would like more of her stories. Her humour is just yummy! – Leanne

Sandra is an all around amazing teacher. She made it fun and easy to learn the advanced processes, and answered questions kindly and clearly and with obvious passion for what she is sharing. I’m so grateful she was and is my instructor. – Odette

My favourite things about Sandra as an Instructor: – sense of humour – storytelling – wealth of knowledge – confidence – and she challenges participants to grow in the best sense of the word… – Sandy

Sandra’s patience, sense of humour and eloquent communication are invaluable to me. – Madeleine

I look forward to meeting you. Please email if you have any questions or if I can support in any way.



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