PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop – Greater Seattle, Washington


Welcome to the PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop!

You have experienced the foundational processes of the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop and are now ready for a Quantum Leap in Consciousness!

This four-day transformational workshop is designed to accelerate you into new levels of awareness and understanding as a PSYCH-K® facilitator. You will learn processes that will dramatically expand your ability and effectiveness as a catalyst for change for yourself, and with others.

These proven processes have consistently created powerful and valuable changes in peoples’ lives for decades. The Advanced Integration Workshop is a distillation of intense study and experience in the fields of personal change. As Albert Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” The Advanced Integration Workshop meets this criterion as well as being elegant, powerful and fun.

Register now for this mind-freeing experience!

Dates: February 5-8, 2025

Time: 10:00 am -5:30 pm

Location: La Conner, Washington, just north of Seattle.

Tuition: $1400 US by Jan 5/$1500 US thereafter
If you prefer, a deposit of $600 may be sent upon registration with the balance being due prior to Day 1 of the workshop. Email Sandra for this option.

The Basic workshop is a pre-requisite.

Email Sandra at or Click Here to Register

For additional information and registration please contact:
Certified PSYCH-K Instructor: Sandra Wallin, BSc, BEd, MA, RCC

How will you benefit from this 4 day experiential workshop?

  • Expand your skills and effectiveness as a catalyst for change, for yourself and with others;
  • Transform complex life issues into a new foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life;
  • Strengthen the mind-body-connection using the power of breath, energy healing, and new whole brain movements;
  • Identify and transform underlying subconscious issues that have been impeding the achievement of your goals;
  • Accelerate the transformation process, eliminating the impact of self-limiting beliefs so you can fully benefit from Self-Enhancing Beliefs;
  • Relationships are essential in life. Learn to identify challenges and insights that need to be dealt with to release stress and create meaningful and reciprocal relationships;
  • Increase the effectiveness and the impact of your transformational work with PSYCH-K®
  • And much more…

What will you learn?

Rapport ~ Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication:

You will learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making communication easier and more natural, and the facilitation of change efficient and more comfortable. A powerful process is used to create a whole-brained state when communicating with others, verbally and non-verbally, reducing subconscious stress while promoting healthy conversations and connections.

Belief Points:
Learn 12 points on the body that are derived from ancient acupuncture. They represent key beliefs on the subconscious level that inform us about how we are limiting ourselves. When these points are combined with Energy Focusing, these subconscious beliefs can be accessed and changed in a matter of seconds.

Energy Focusing:
A safe and effective process that allows you to focus energy to a Belief Point in order to change subconscious Self-Limiting Beliefs quickly and easily.

A process using a surrogate (substitute person) to effect changes at a distance for someone not physically present. This approach can be used to expand your sphere of influence including people, as well as objects (like your house), qualities (like you’re your inner child) or even pets.

A process using a surrogate, or substitute person, to effect change at a distance with someone not physically present. This process uses muscle-tested permission protocols at the super conscious level of mind to ensure safety for both parties and can be used to expand your sphere of influence to include people, plants, pets, objects (your car) qualities (like your inner child) and so much more.

Core Belief Balance:
This Balance aligns 13 Core Beliefs that support the manifestation of your full potential in life. It is frequently a profound alignment process that prepares the mind-body system for accelerated growth and change.

Relationship Balance:
This balance provides key gifts, lessons and developmental opportunities available within your relationships and offers a clearer perspective on the value any relationship brings (with family, coworkers, friends, archetypes, qualities and also with yourself). It creates a whole brain state related to past, present and even future relationships. Providing an opportunity to transform old baggage and become more available to create and experience profound, healthy and meaning connection.

Life Bonding Balance:
The trauma of birth and the fear of death are two powerful aspects of human existence. This Balance utilizes breath as a means of reprogramming the negative impact of these influences on our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to release stress associated with the birth and death experience and free yourself to experience the joy of life.

Energy Circle:
An extraordinary experience utilizing group energy focusing. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the awesome effects of giving and receiving concentrated unconditional love-energy!

In other words, you will learn new Balances as well as how to use the power breath and energy for healing and there will be ample time to practice and to explore possibilities for various applications of these special Balances.

Meet Sandra, your Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor:

Sandra is from Vancouver, Canada. She was a school teacher and counsellor for 22 years and has been a psychotherapist for almost as long. In 2008, after a horseback riding accident left her unconscious and broken, she began to use the PSYCH-K® processes she’d been sharing with others, with herself. Her healing progressed exponentially! She knew then she had to learn as much as she could about PSYCH-K®.

Soon after, Sandra became a Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor and has since had the pleasure of sharing these life changing processes with people the world over; in open workshop settings, within schools, organizations and communities, and at the request of Dr. Bruce Lipton, at a maximum security prison where she’s been helping men serving life sentences, break free from the prison of their limiting beliefs.


Sandra is warm, inviting, well spoken, generous, engaged, and open. She looks at people when they speak with her which I love. – Arlie

The most amazing teacher. Clear. Concise. Positive. Encouraging. Safe. -Vicki

I love listening to Sandra and always would like more of her stories. Her humour is just yummy! – Leanne

Sandra is an all-around amazing teacher. She made it fun and easy to learn the advanced processes, and answered questions kindly and clearly and with obvious passion for what she is sharing. I’m so grateful she was and is my instructor. – Odette

My favourite things about Sandra as an Advanced Instructor: – sense of humour – storytelling – wealth of knowledge – confidence – and she challenges participants to grow in the best sense of the word… – Sandy

Sandra’s patience, sense of humour and eloquent communication are invaluable to me. – Madeleine


I look forward to meeting you. Please email if you have any questions:

Click Here to Register



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