"My journey is to be the best me I can be through helping others to be the best and most peaceful version of themselves with ease and fun. And I enjoy it so much!"
Welcome to the PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop!
After enjoying the impact of the PSYCH-K® foundational processes in the Basic Workshop, you are ready to attend the Advanced Integration Workshop to take yourself to a new level of awareness and empowerment. If you are ready to accelerate and make sweeping changes in your life then this workshop is for you. It will change your life!It has been told by nearly all participants that there’s a life before and after the Advanced Integration Workshop!
How will you benefit from this experiential workshop?
You will learn to expand your skills and effectiveness as a catalyst for change for yourself as well as for others. You will increase the effectiveness and the impact of your transformational work with PSYCH-K®:
Transform complex life issues into a new foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life;
Strengthen the mind-body-connection using the power of breath, energy healing, and new whole brain movements;
Learn to disclose and transform underlying subconscious issues that have been impeding you achieving your goals;
Accelerate the transformation process, eliminating the impact of self-limiting beliefs thus clearing the way to fully benefit from Self-Enhancing Beliefs;
Relationships are essential in life. Learn to identify challenges and insights that need to be dealt with to release stress and create valuable and comfortable relationships in your life;
And much more…
What will you learn?
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication:Learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making it easier to communicate. A powerful process is used to create a situation of hemispheric integration when communicating with others, verbally and non-verbally. It helps to appreciate and accept the other person and to connect easily and comfortably. Facilitating change becomes easier than ever before.Belief Points:Learn 12 points on the body that are derived from ancient acupuncture. They represent key beliefs on the subconscious level that inform us about how we are limiting ourselves. When these points are combined with Energy Focusing, these subconscious beliefs can be accessed and changed in a matter of seconds.Energy Focusing:A safe and effective process that allows you to focus energy to a Belief Point in order to change subconscious Self-Limiting Beliefs quickly and easily.Surrogation:A process using a surrogate (substitute person) to effect changes at a distance for someone not physically present. This approach can be used to expand your sphere of influence including people, as well as objects (like your house), qualities (like you’re your inner child) or even pets.Core Belief Balance:This Balance aligns 13 Core Beliefs that support the manifestation of your full potential in life. It is frequently a profound alignment process that prepares the mind-body system for accelerated growth and change.Relationship Balance:This Balance will help you transform personal issues with others, and better understand the lessons to be learned in relationships. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents and children, siblings, coworkers, spouses, friends, and lovers.Life Bonding Balance:The trauma of birth and the fear of death are two powerful aspects of human existence. This Balance utilizes breath as a means of reprogramming the negative impact of these influences on our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to release stress associated with the birth and death experience and free yourself to experience the joy of life.Energy Circle:An extraordinary experience utilizing group energy focusing. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the awesome effects of giving and receiving concentrated unconditional love-energy!In other words, you will learn new Balances as well as how to use the power breath and energy for healing and there will be ample time to practice and to explore possibilities for various applications of these special Balances.
Important Notes:
It is required to take the Basic Workshop before attending the Advanced Integration Workshop. In your registration, you will need to inform us when and where did you take your PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop and who was your Instructor.
Repeating participants will not be given a new workshop packet, they will be using their own materials.
Instructor: Vielen Dank für dein Interesse an diesem wundervollen Workshop.
Für weitere Informationen zum Workshop folge bitte dem Link: https://www.sabrina-kiermaier.de/termine/
Ich freue mich auf dich!
"Yolculuğum, olabileceğim en iyi ‘ben’ olmak için başkalarının kolay ve eğlenceli bir şekilde kendilerinin en iyi ve en huzurlu versiyonu olmalarına yardım etmek. Ve bundan çok keyif alıyorum!"
Grand Yazıcı Club Turban Thermal, Şirinyer Mah, 101. Sk. No:3, 48700 Marmaris/Muğla Katılım Ücreti ve Ödeme Seçenekleri:Türkiye ve ABD Eğitimleri (Türkiye ve ABD banka kartları ile ödeme):
1450 USD (Tek seferde ödeme)
750 USD x 2 ay (2 taksit – kartla ödeme)*
520 USD x 3 ay (3 taksit – kartla ödeme)*
Diğer ülkelerde yapılan eğitimler:
Yerinizi garantilemek için 500 USD ön ödeme yapın, 950 USD bakiye ödemesini eğitimden önce tamamlayın.
Eğitim toplam bedeli olan 1450 USD ödeyerek kaydınızı tamamlayın.
100 USD- Tekrar eden katılımcılar için (Tek seferde ödeme)Önemli Notlar:
İleri Entegrasyon Eğitimi’ne katılmadan önce PSYCH-K® Temel Eğitimi’ni almış olmanız gereklidir. Kayıt işlemleriniz esnasında Temel Eğitimi’nizi nerede ve hangi tarihte aldığınızı ve eğitmeninizin adını bize bildirmeniz gerekecektir.
Yukarıdaki ücretlere yemek ve konaklama giderleri dahil değildir.
*Taksitlendirme imkanı banka sistemleri sebebi ile sadece Türkiye ve ABD eğitimleri için yerel kart ödemelerinde kullanılır, diğer tüm ülkelerde sadece tek seferde ödeme imkanı vardır.
Temel Seviye Eğitimi'nde PSYCH-K®'nin esaslarını oluşturan süreçleri ve protokolleri öğrenip keyfini çıkarttıktan sonra, İleri Seviye Entegrasyon Eğitimi'ne katılarak kendinizi yeni bir farkındalık ve yetkinlik seviyesine yükseltebilirsiniz. Eğer hızlanmaya ve hayatınızda kapsamlı değişimler yapmaya hazırsanız bu İleri Seviye Entegrasyon Eğitimi tam size göre.
Hayatınızı değiştirecek olan bu eğitime bugüne kadar katılan herkes bu eğitimi, "Eğitimden önce ve sonra iki farklı hayat var" şeklinde anlatmakladır.
Birçok tecrübe yaşayacağınız bu eğitimden nasıl faydalanacaksınız?
Hem kendiniz için, hem de başkaları için değişim katalizörü olarak, beceri ve yeteneklerinizi genişletmeyi öğreneceksiniz. PSYCH-K® ile yaptığınız dönüşümün etkisini artırmayı öğreneceksiniz:
Karmaşık hayat konularını daha sağlıklı ve tatminkâr yeni bir yapıya dönüştürmek;
Nefesin gücünü, enerji uygulamalarını ve yeni tam-beyin hareketleri ile zihin-beden bağlantısını güçlendirmek;
Hedeflerinize ulaşamamanızın altında yatan bilinçaltı konularını açığa çıkartmak ve dönüştürmek;
Kısıtlayıcı inançların etkisini ortadan kaldırmayı öğrenip, destekleyici inançların etkisinden tam yararlanarak dönüşüm sürecini hızlandırmak;
İlişkiler hayatın gereğidir. Hayatınızda değerli ve rahat ilişkilere sahip olmak için ilişkilerdeki zorlanmayı ve iç görüleri ortaya çıkartıp yıkıcı stresi ortadan kaldırarak ilişkileri dönüştürmeyi öğrenmek;
Ve daha fazlası...
İleri Seviye Entegrasyon Eğitimi'nin İçeriği:
1. Sözlü ve Sözlü Olmayan Uyum: Başkalarıyla iletişim kurmayı daha kolay hale getirmek için birkaç dakika içinde derin bir güven hissiyatı ve güven algısı nasıl yaratılır öğrenin. Bu güçlü dengeleme başkalarıyla sözlü ya da sözlü olmayan iletişim kurarken beyin hemisferleri arasında entegrasyon durumu yaratmak için kullanılır. Diğer kişiyi kabul etmeye ; varlığından memnun ve huzurlu olmaya ve onunla kolay ve rahat bir bağ oluşturmaya yardımcı olur. Değişim yaratmak için yaptığınız seanslar her zamankinden kolay hale gelir.
2. İnanç Noktaları: Kadim akupunktur bilgileri kaynaklı vücuttaki 12 noktayı öğrenin. Bu noktalar bize bilinçaltı seviyede kişinin kendisini nasıl engellediğine dair anahtar inançların durumuyla ilgili bilgiler verirler. Bu noktalara enerji odaklaması uygulandığında, bu bilinçaltı inançlara birkaç saniyede ulaşılır ve bunlar değiştirilir.
3. Enerji Odaklaması: İnanç noktalarına enerji odaklayarak kısıtlayıcı bilinçaltı inançları hızla ve kolayca değiştirmek için güvenli ve verimli bir süreçtir.
4. Vekalet: Çalışma sırasında fiziksel olarak mevcut olmayan birinin ya da bir şeyin yerine vekil olarak başka birisinin kullanılıp uzak mesafeden çalışmanın öğretildiği bir süreçtir. Bu çözüm yolu, insanlar, varlıklar (eviniz gibi), içsel kaliteler (içinizdeki çocuk gibi) ve hatta evcil hayvanlarınız için bile kullanılır.
5. Temel İnanç Dengelemesi: Bu Dengeleme hayatınızdaki tam potansiyelinizi yaratabilmenizi destekleyen, bilinçaltındaki 13 temel inancı, yapıcı ve destekleyici hale dönüştürür. Sıklıkla zihin-beden sisteminin hızlandırılmış gelişimi için kullanılan derin bir dengeleme sürecidir.
6. İlişki Dengelemesi: Bu Dengeleme, diğerleriyle ilgili kişisel sorunlarınızı dönüştürmenizi ve ilişkilerde öğrenilmesi gereken dersleri daha iyi anlamanızı sağlar. Ebeveynler ve çocuklar; kardeşler; çalışanlar; eşler; arkadaşlar ve sevgililer gibi ilişkilerin değeri konusunda daha net bir bakış açısına sahip olursunuz.
7. Yaşama Bağlanma Dengelemesi: Doğumun travmatik algısı ve ölüm korkusu insan varoluşunun iki önemli cephesidir. Bu Dengeleme, bu cephelerin hayatımızdaki kısıtlayıcı etkilerini tekrar programlamak için nefesi kullanır. Nefesi vücuttaki iki önemli güç merkezi arasında ileri ve geri yönlendirerek doğum tecrübenizle ve ölüm algınızla ilişkili stresi dönüştürmeyi öğrenirsiniz ve hayatın keyfini çıkartabilmek için özgürleşirsiniz.
8. Enerji Çemberi: Grup enerji odaklamasından faydalanacağınız sıra dışı bir tecrübe. Koşulsuz sevgi enerjisini yoğun olarak alma ve verme tecrübesini ve bu tecrübenin inanılmaz etkilerini deneyimlemek için harika bir fırsat.
Yani bu eğitimde dönüşüm için yeni dengelemeler; enerji ve nefes uygulamaları öğreneceksiniz. Üstelik bolca pratik yapacak ve bu özel dengelemelerin içindeki birçok uygulamanın imkanlarını keşfedeceksiniz.
This workshop is organised in the Netherlands by de Werff and given in Dutch.
PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop breid jij jouw vaardigheden als Facilitator uit met nieuwe Balansen en een protocol voor Plaatsvervanging, en je verdiept jouw kennis. De toelatingsvoorwaarde voor deze workshop is de PSYCH-K® Basis Workshop.
In de Advanced Integration Workshop PSYCH-K® leer je balansen die je competenties vergroten op het gebied van transformatie van kernovertuigingen en stresspatronen, het reduceren van spanning in onderlinge relaties en communicatie. Met behulp van verschillende processen verkrijg je nieuwe, innerlijke kracht en vrijheid op alle gebieden van je leven.
Wat leer je tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Rapport Balans Je leert om stress die een gevoel van vertrouwen en veiligheid met anderen in de weg staat te transformeren. Hierdoor wordt het makkelijker om rapport te maken en te behouden.
Besefpunten Je leert 12 ‘energie punten’ op het lichaam te gebruiken, gebaseerd op acupunctuur. Elk punt representeert sleutelovertuigingen die je waardevolle informatie geven over hoe je jezelf beperkt in specifieke situaties. Deze punten zijn een makkelijk ingang tot je overtuigingen en vervolgens in enkele seconden te veranderen.
Energiefocusing Een veilig en effectief proces waarmee je energie kunt focussen op een besefpunt, om onderbewuste overtuigingen en stress snel en gemakkelijk te veranderen.
Kernoveruigingen Balans In dit proces transformeer je 13 kernovertuigingen die je vaak weerhouden je volledige potentieel te verwezenlijken. Het is een algemeen proces om je overtuigingen te veranderen en je geest/lichaam systeem voorbereidt op versnelde verandering.
Relatie Balans Deze Balans helpt om persoonlijke moeilijkheden met anderen te transformeren en de lessen in de relatie te leren. Het verheldert je perspectief op de waarde van je relaties met ouders, kinderen, geliefden, vrienden en collega’s.
Balans voor Hechting aan het Leven Het geboortetrauma en de angst voor de dood zijn twee belangrijke aspecten van je mens-zijn. In deze Balans leer je je ademhaling te gebruiken als een middel om de belemmerende impact van deze invloeden op je leven te transformeren.
Plaatsvervanging Plaatsvervanging geeft je de mogelijkheid om ‘verandering op afstand’ te bewerkstelligen. De Balans werkt met een representant voor de persoon voor wie het veranderingswerk wordt gedaan. Plaatsvervanging kan gebruikt worden om vrienden, familie en zelfs huisdieren te helpen.
Workshop details
Deze PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop wordt georganiseerd door De Werff, een opleidingsinstituut voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en groei. Meer informatie over de workshop kan je vinden op de website. Daar vind je ook informatie over de andere workshops van de Werff en een agenda met alle data waarop de Advanced Workshop en andere workshops gegeven worden.
De workshop duurt vier dagen. De eerste dag werken we van 9:30 tot 18:00 uur, de tweede en derde dag van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur, en de laatste dag van 9:00 tot ongeveer 16:00 uur.
Meer weten?
Neem gerust contact op als je nog vragen hebt. Dat kan via ons contactformulier, door ons te bellen op 06 – 49 18 30 23, te Whatsappen, of te mailen . Inschrijven kan via de link hieronder:
Welcome to the PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop!
After you enjoyed the impact of the PSYCH-K® foundational processes in the Basic Workshop, attend the Advanced Integration Workshop to take yourself to a new level of awareness and empowerment. If you are ready to accelerate and make sweeping changes in your life then this Advanced Integration Workshop is for you. It will change your life! It has been told by nearly all participants that “there’s a life before and after the Advanced Integration Workshop”.
During this four-day workshop you will take a journey of growth that normally would take years (optimistically) if it was just done with your conscious mind. You will also be able to apply everything you learn in this time and experiment first-hand with other people during and after the workshop! At the end of this intense four-day voyage you will be ready for the final, and for many the most pleasantly mind-blowing, PSYCH-K® surprise!
RAPPORT- VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: The first Balance that you will do during the Advanced workshop is aimed at resolving all kinds of stress and limitations that you have in the field of verbal and non-verbal communication. This Balance alone is worth the entire workshop!
BELIEF POINTS: During the Advanced Workshop you will learn how to use 12 of these Points, the Belief Points, in combination with a process called Energy Focusing, to make deep and lasting changes at a subconscious level in just seconds!
ENERGY FOCUSING: You will learn to use a particular form of Energy (similar to that of a laser) in order to activate the Belief Points mentioned above. This blend (Belief Points and Energy Focusing) will become your greatest allies during your
SURROGATION: Have you ever wanted to help someone but couldn’t because you were too far away? Thanks to a process called Surrogation, you will be able to do this and much more, at all times with the utmost respect for those receiving your help!
CORE BELIEF BALANCE: Thanks to the special structure of this Balance that touches the 13 fundamental areas of your life, your vision of the world (and yourself) will change forever, for the better!
RELATIONSHIP BALANCE: What is the relationship with your partner, your parents, yourself, your body, with food, with your home, with your work, your health and with your soul? Thanks to this process you will discover what your weaknesses in the relationship are, be able to turn them into strengths, and finally live it in a serene way.
ENERGY CIRCLE: All of us, you included, have access to the infinite energy of the Universe, but often we don’t know how to use it or channel it safely, effectively and respectfully. This procedure will allow you to do just that and, in the process, help yourself and the people you love.
LIFE BOND BALANCE:This Balance is a real journey into your past, present and future with the aim of transforming any stress related to birthtrauma (including your conception and gestation), fear of death and any other stressful events that may have occurred from the first day of your life until the present moment
Note: PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop is a pre-requisite to attend the PSYCH-K® Advance WorkshopMeet Your Instructor : Deepa
Deepa is amongst only 36 PSYCH-K® Instructors worldwide, and the first instructor to bring PSYCH-K® to the Middle-East & Subcontinent. She has been a psychotherapist, Consciousness Coach & international speaker for the past 15 years having worked with international organizations across the globe. Her purpose is to lead mental, emotional, spiritual & physical transformation through teaching PSYCH-K®️ as well as facilitating PSYCH-K®️ sessions. She has touched thousands of lives from all walks of life and continues to serve through her travels
So you enjoyed the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop and want to learn more?
We Have more! Learn eight brand new PSYCH-K® tools in four days:
The Rapport Balance
You will learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making it easier to identify issues that may otherwise be difficult to acknowledge and change. You will learn how to be in verbal rapport with people at all times and improve your verbal communication skills. With this balance we open up all the communication channels so you can understand others and they can better understand you.
Belief Points
You will learn how to use 12 “Energy Points” on the body that are derived from the ancient practice of acupressure. Each point represents a key belief that provides valuable information about the way you limit yourself in a given situation. These points make beliefs easy to access and easy to change - often in a matter of seconds!
We will be using Energy Focusing - a safe and effective process that allows you to focus energy to a specific Belief Point to change subconscious beliefs quickly and easily. Energy Focusing introduces you to the flow of a very beautiful type of energy that we can share with others.
Surrogation Process
A possibility for “Change at a Distance.” The surrogation process works with a substitute person for muscle testing and balancing in the absence of the person for whom the change work is being done. The surrogation process can be used to help friends, relatives, clients, and even your pets!
Energy Circle
An extraordinary experience in the utilization of group energy focusing! It’s your opportunity to feel the amazing effects of concentrated, unconditional love.
Core Belief Balance
This process addresses 13 pairs of “Core Beliefs” that often keep us from tapping our full potential in life. This general belief change process prepares the mind/body system for accelerated change. In this process you will find out how your mind/body system is currently aligned in relationship to 13 pairs of core beliefs. These core beliefs are fundamental in all people and cultures around the world.
Relationship Balance
This balance will help you transform personal issues with others and better understand the lessons to be learned in the relationship. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents, children, spouses, friends, and lovers. If you have challenges with employers or employees, siblings, friends, or others this is a powerful tool to help shift the challenges of these relationships. This balance can also work with those who have passed on to the next dimension, so even death holds no influence over our own personal well-being and transformation.
Life Bonding Balance
The “Trauma of Birth” and the “Fear of Death” are two powerful aspects of human experience. This balance utilizes breath as a means of re-programming the negative impact of these influences in our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to transform stress associated with birth and death experiences.
A Surprise Balance
Can't tell you! It's a surprise!
PSYCH-K® Instructor:Adelajda ChildQuestions regarding the workshop? Send an email to:
Welcome to the PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop!
After you enjoyed the impact of the PSYCH-K® foundational processes in the Basic Workshop, attend the Advanced Integration Workshop to take yourself to a new level of awareness and empowerment. If you are ready to accelerate and make sweeping changes in your life then this Advanced Integration Workshop is for you. It will change your life! It has been told by nearly all participants that “there’s a life before and after the Advanced Integration Workshop”.
During this four-day workshop you will take a journey of growth that normally would take years (optimistically) if it was just done with your conscious mind. You will also be able to apply everything you learn in this time and experiment first-hand with other people during and after the workshop! At the end of this intense four-day voyage you will be ready for the final, and for many the most pleasantly mind-blowing, PSYCH-K® surprise!
RAPPORT- VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: The first Balance that you will do during the Advanced workshop is aimed at resolving all kinds of stress and limitations that you have in the field of verbal and non-verbal communication. This Balance alone is worth the entire workshop!
BELIEF POINTS: During the Advanced Workshop you will learn how to use 12 of these Points, the Belief Points, in combination with a process called Energy Focusing, to make deep and lasting changes at a subconscious level in just seconds!
ENERGY FOCUSING: You will learn to use a particular form of Energy (similar to that of a laser) in order to activate the Belief Points mentioned above. This blend (Belief Points and Energy Focusing) will become your greatest allies during your
SURROGATION: Have you ever wanted to help someone but couldn’t because you were too far away? Thanks to a process called Surrogation, you will be able to do this and much more, at all times with the utmost respect for those receiving your help!
CORE BELIEF BALANCE: Thanks to the special structure of this Balance that touches the 13 fundamental areas of your life, your vision of the world (and yourself) will change forever, for the better!
RELATIONSHIP BALANCE: What is the relationship with your partner, your parents, yourself, your body, with food, with your home, with your work, your health and with your soul? Thanks to this process you will discover what your weaknesses in the relationship are, be able to turn them into strengths, and finally live it in a serene way.
ENERGY CIRCLE: All of us, you included, have access to the infinite energy of the Universe, but often we don’t know how to use it or channel it safely, effectively and respectfully. This procedure will allow you to do just that and, in the process, help yourself and the people you love.
LIFE BOND BALANCE:This Balance is a real journey into your past, present and future with the aim of transforming any stress related to birthtrauma (including your conception and gestation), fear of death and any other stressful events that may have occurred from the first day of your life until the present moment
Note: PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop is a pre-requisite to attend the PSYCH-K® Advance WorkshopMeet Your Instructor : Deepa
Deepa is amongst only 36 PSYCH-K® Instructors worldwide, and the first instructor to bring PSYCH-K® to the Middle-East & Subcontinent. She has been a psychotherapist, Consciousness Coach & international speaker for the past 15 years having worked with international organizations across the globe. Her purpose is to lead mental, emotional, spiritual & physical transformation through teaching PSYCH-K®️ as well as facilitating PSYCH-K®️ sessions. She has touched thousands of lives from all walks of life and continues to serve through her travels
Location: Hub of Consciousness Dubai
Address: Villa 2 Street 39 Al Barsha 3, Dubai United Arab Emirates
"My journey is to be the best me I can be through helping others to be the best and most peaceful version of themselves with ease and fun. And I enjoy it so much!"
Welcome to the PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop!
After enjoying the impact of the PSYCH-K® foundational processes in the Basic Workshop, you are ready to attend the Advanced Integration Workshop to take yourself to a new level of awareness and empowerment. If you are ready to accelerate and make sweeping changes in your life then this workshop is for you. It will change your life!It has been told by nearly all participants that there’s a life before and after the Advanced Integration Workshop!
How will you benefit from this experiential workshop?
You will learn to expand your skills and effectiveness as a catalyst for change for yourself as well as for others. You will increase the effectiveness and the impact of your transformational work with PSYCH-K®:
Transform complex life issues into a new foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life;
Strengthen the mind-body-connection using the power of breath, energy healing, and new whole brain movements;
Learn to disclose and transform underlying subconscious issues that have been impeding you achieving your goals;
Accelerate the transformation process, eliminating the impact of self-limiting beliefs thus clearing the way to fully benefit from Self-Enhancing Beliefs;
Relationships are essential in life. Learn to identify challenges and insights that need to be dealt with to release stress and create valuable and comfortable relationships in your life;
And much more…
What will you learn?
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication:Learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making it easier to communicate. A powerful process is used to create a situation of hemispheric integration when communicating with others, verbally and non-verbally. It helps to appreciate and accept the other person and to connect easily and comfortably. Facilitating change becomes easier than ever before.Belief Points:Learn 12 points on the body that are derived from ancient acupuncture. They represent key beliefs on the subconscious level that inform us about how we are limiting ourselves. When these points are combined with Energy Focusing, these subconscious beliefs can be accessed and changed in a matter of seconds.Energy Focusing:A safe and effective process that allows you to focus energy to a Belief Point in order to change subconscious Self-Limiting Beliefs quickly and easily.Surrogation:A process using a surrogate (substitute person) to effect changes at a distance for someone not physically present. This approach can be used to expand your sphere of influence including people, as well as objects (like your house), qualities (like you’re your inner child) or even pets.Core Belief Balance:This Balance aligns 13 Core Beliefs that support the manifestation of your full potential in life. It is frequently a profound alignment process that prepares the mind-body system for accelerated growth and change.Relationship Balance:This Balance will help you transform personal issues with others, and better understand the lessons to be learned in relationships. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents and children, siblings, coworkers, spouses, friends, and lovers.Life Bonding Balance:The trauma of birth and the fear of death are two powerful aspects of human existence. This Balance utilizes breath as a means of reprogramming the negative impact of these influences on our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to release stress associated with the birth and death experience and free yourself to experience the joy of life.Energy Circle:An extraordinary experience utilizing group energy focusing. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the awesome effects of giving and receiving concentrated unconditional love-energy!In other words, you will learn new Balances as well as how to use the power breath and energy for healing and there will be ample time to practice and to explore possibilities for various applications of these special Balances.
Important Notes:
It is required to take the Basic Workshop before attending the Advanced Integration Workshop. In your registration, you will need to inform us when and where did you take your PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop and who was your Instructor.
Repeating participants will not be given a new workshop packet, they will be using their own materials.
This workshop is organised in the Netherlands by de Werff and given in Dutch.
PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop breid jij jouw vaardigheden als Facilitator uit met nieuwe Balansen en een protocol voor Plaatsvervanging, en je verdiept jouw kennis. De toelatingsvoorwaarde voor deze workshop is de PSYCH-K® Basis Workshop.
In de Advanced Integration Workshop PSYCH-K® leer je balansen die je competenties vergroten op het gebied van transformatie van kernovertuigingen en stresspatronen, het reduceren van spanning in onderlinge relaties en communicatie. Met behulp van verschillende processen verkrijg je nieuwe, innerlijke kracht en vrijheid op alle gebieden van je leven.
Wat leer je tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Rapport Balans Je leert om stress die een gevoel van vertrouwen en veiligheid met anderen in de weg staat te transformeren. Hierdoor wordt het makkelijker om rapport te maken en te behouden.
Besefpunten Je leert 12 ‘energie punten’ op het lichaam te gebruiken, gebaseerd op acupunctuur. Elk punt representeert sleutelovertuigingen die je waardevolle informatie geven over hoe je jezelf beperkt in specifieke situaties. Deze punten zijn een makkelijk ingang tot je overtuigingen en vervolgens in enkele seconden te veranderen.
Energiefocusing Een veilig en effectief proces waarmee je energie kunt focussen op een besefpunt, om onderbewuste overtuigingen en stress snel en gemakkelijk te veranderen.
Kernoveruigingen Balans In dit proces transformeer je 13 kernovertuigingen die je vaak weerhouden je volledige potentieel te verwezenlijken. Het is een algemeen proces om je overtuigingen te veranderen en je geest/lichaam systeem voorbereidt op versnelde verandering.
Relatie Balans Deze Balans helpt om persoonlijke moeilijkheden met anderen te transformeren en de lessen in de relatie te leren. Het verheldert je perspectief op de waarde van je relaties met ouders, kinderen, geliefden, vrienden en collega’s.
Balans voor Hechting aan het Leven Het geboortetrauma en de angst voor de dood zijn twee belangrijke aspecten van je mens-zijn. In deze Balans leer je je ademhaling te gebruiken als een middel om de belemmerende impact van deze invloeden op je leven te transformeren.
Plaatsvervanging Plaatsvervanging geeft je de mogelijkheid om ‘verandering op afstand’ te bewerkstelligen. De Balans werkt met een representant voor de persoon voor wie het veranderingswerk wordt gedaan. Plaatsvervanging kan gebruikt worden om vrienden, familie en zelfs huisdieren te helpen.
Workshop details
Deze PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop wordt georganiseerd door De Werff, een opleidingsinstituut voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en groei. Meer informatie over de workshop kan je vinden op de website. Daar vind je ook informatie over de andere workshops van de Werff en een agenda met alle data waarop de Advanced Workshop en andere workshops gegeven worden.
De workshop duurt vier dagen. De eerste dag werken we van 9:30 tot 18:00 uur, de tweede en derde dag van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur, en de laatste dag van 9:00 tot ongeveer 16:00 uur.
Meer weten?
Neem gerust contact op als je nog vragen hebt. Dat kan via ons contactformulier, door ons te bellen op 06 – 49 18 30 23, te Whatsappen, of te mailen . Inschrijven kan via de link hieronder:
This workshop is organised in the Netherlands by de Werff and given in Dutch.
PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop breid jij jouw vaardigheden als Facilitator uit met nieuwe Balansen en een protocol voor Plaatsvervanging, en je verdiept jouw kennis. De toelatingsvoorwaarde voor deze workshop is de PSYCH-K® Basis Workshop.
In de Advanced Integration Workshop PSYCH-K® leer je balansen die je competenties vergroten op het gebied van transformatie van kernovertuigingen en stresspatronen, het reduceren van spanning in onderlinge relaties en communicatie. Met behulp van verschillende processen verkrijg je nieuwe, innerlijke kracht en vrijheid op alle gebieden van je leven.
Wat leer je tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Rapport Balans Je leert om stress die een gevoel van vertrouwen en veiligheid met anderen in de weg staat te transformeren. Hierdoor wordt het makkelijker om rapport te maken en te behouden.
Besefpunten Je leert 12 ‘energie punten’ op het lichaam te gebruiken, gebaseerd op acupunctuur. Elk punt representeert sleutelovertuigingen die je waardevolle informatie geven over hoe je jezelf beperkt in specifieke situaties. Deze punten zijn een makkelijk ingang tot je overtuigingen en vervolgens in enkele seconden te veranderen.
Energiefocusing Een veilig en effectief proces waarmee je energie kunt focussen op een besefpunt, om onderbewuste overtuigingen en stress snel en gemakkelijk te veranderen.
Kernoveruigingen Balans In dit proces transformeer je 13 kernovertuigingen die je vaak weerhouden je volledige potentieel te verwezenlijken. Het is een algemeen proces om je overtuigingen te veranderen en je geest/lichaam systeem voorbereidt op versnelde verandering.
Relatie Balans Deze Balans helpt om persoonlijke moeilijkheden met anderen te transformeren en de lessen in de relatie te leren. Het verheldert je perspectief op de waarde van je relaties met ouders, kinderen, geliefden, vrienden en collega’s.
Balans voor Hechting aan het Leven Het geboortetrauma en de angst voor de dood zijn twee belangrijke aspecten van je mens-zijn. In deze Balans leer je je ademhaling te gebruiken als een middel om de belemmerende impact van deze invloeden op je leven te transformeren.
Plaatsvervanging Plaatsvervanging geeft je de mogelijkheid om ‘verandering op afstand’ te bewerkstelligen. De Balans werkt met een representant voor de persoon voor wie het veranderingswerk wordt gedaan. Plaatsvervanging kan gebruikt worden om vrienden, familie en zelfs huisdieren te helpen.
Workshop details
Deze PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop wordt georganiseerd door De Werff, een opleidingsinstituut voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en groei. Meer informatie over de workshop kan je vinden op de website. Daar vind je ook informatie over de andere workshops van de Werff en een agenda met alle data waarop de Advanced Workshop en andere workshops gegeven worden.
De workshop duurt vier dagen. De eerste dag werken we van 9:30 tot 18:00 uur, de tweede en derde dag van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur, en de laatste dag van 9:00 tot ongeveer 16:00 uur.
Meer weten?
Neem gerust contact op als je nog vragen hebt. Dat kan via ons contactformulier, door ons te bellen op 06 – 49 18 30 23, te Whatsappen, of te mailen . Inschrijven kan via de link hieronder:
During the Advanced Integration Workshop you will deepen and expand your skills as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator with new Balance processes and the Surrogation protocol. Admission to this workshop is conditional on completion of the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop.
In the Advanced Integration Workshop PSYCH-K® you will learn balances that increase your competency in transforming core beliefs and stress patterns, reducing tension in interrelationships and communication. With the help of a number of processes you will gain new inner strength and freedom in all aspects of your life.
What will you learn during PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Rapport Balance You learn to transform stress that stands in the way of a feeling of trust and security with others. This makes it easier to establish and maintain rapport.
Belief Points You learn to use 12 ‘energy points’ on the body, based on acupuncture. Each point represents key beliefs that give you valuable information about how you limit yourself in specific situations. These points provide easy access to your beliefs and a way of then changing them in seconds.
Energy Focusing A safe and effective process that allows you to focus your energy on a belief point, to change subconscious beliefs and stress quickly and easily.
Core Belief Balance In this process you transform 13 core beliefs that often prevent you from realising your full potential. It is a general process of changing your beliefs and preparing your mind/body system for accelerated change.
Relationship Balance This Balance helps to transform personal difficulties with others and learn the lessons of the relationship. It clarifies your perspective on the value of your relationships with parents, children, loved ones, friends and colleagues.
Life Bonding Balance Birth trauma and the fear of death are two important aspects of being human. In this Balance, you will learn to use your breathing as a means to transform the obstructive impact of these influences on your life.
Surrogation Surrogation gives you the opportunity to ‘change remotely’. The Balance works with a representative of the person for whom the change work is done. Surrogation can be used to help friends, family and even pets.
Workshop details
This PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop is organizedby De Werff, a training institute for personal development and growth. More information about the workshop can be found on the website. There you will also find information about the Werff’s other workshops and an agenda with all the dates when the Advanced Workshop and other workshops will be given.
The workshop lasts for four days. The first day we will work from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, the second and third day from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm, and the last day from 9:00 am till approximately 4:00 pm.
Want to know more?
Feel free to contact us with your questions. You can do so via our contact form, by phone at +31 6 49 18 30 23, through Whatsapp, or via mail at . Use the link below to register:
This workshop is organised in the Netherlands by de Werff and given in Dutch.
PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop breid jij jouw vaardigheden als Facilitator uit met nieuwe Balansen en een protocol voor Plaatsvervanging, en je verdiept jouw kennis. De toelatingsvoorwaarde voor deze workshop is de PSYCH-K® Basis Workshop.
In de Advanced Integration Workshop PSYCH-K® leer je balansen die je competenties vergroten op het gebied van transformatie van kernovertuigingen en stresspatronen, het reduceren van spanning in onderlinge relaties en communicatie. Met behulp van verschillende processen verkrijg je nieuwe, innerlijke kracht en vrijheid op alle gebieden van je leven.
Wat leer je tijdens de PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop
Rapport Balans Je leert om stress die een gevoel van vertrouwen en veiligheid met anderen in de weg staat te transformeren. Hierdoor wordt het makkelijker om rapport te maken en te behouden.
Besefpunten Je leert 12 ‘energie punten’ op het lichaam te gebruiken, gebaseerd op acupunctuur. Elk punt representeert sleutelovertuigingen die je waardevolle informatie geven over hoe je jezelf beperkt in specifieke situaties. Deze punten zijn een makkelijk ingang tot je overtuigingen en vervolgens in enkele seconden te veranderen.
Energiefocusing Een veilig en effectief proces waarmee je energie kunt focussen op een besefpunt, om onderbewuste overtuigingen en stress snel en gemakkelijk te veranderen.
Kernoveruigingen Balans In dit proces transformeer je 13 kernovertuigingen die je vaak weerhouden je volledige potentieel te verwezenlijken. Het is een algemeen proces om je overtuigingen te veranderen en je geest/lichaam systeem voorbereidt op versnelde verandering.
Relatie Balans Deze Balans helpt om persoonlijke moeilijkheden met anderen te transformeren en de lessen in de relatie te leren. Het verheldert je perspectief op de waarde van je relaties met ouders, kinderen, geliefden, vrienden en collega’s.
Balans voor Hechting aan het Leven Het geboortetrauma en de angst voor de dood zijn twee belangrijke aspecten van je mens-zijn. In deze Balans leer je je ademhaling te gebruiken als een middel om de belemmerende impact van deze invloeden op je leven te transformeren.
Plaatsvervanging Plaatsvervanging geeft je de mogelijkheid om ‘verandering op afstand’ te bewerkstelligen. De Balans werkt met een representant voor de persoon voor wie het veranderingswerk wordt gedaan. Plaatsvervanging kan gebruikt worden om vrienden, familie en zelfs huisdieren te helpen.
Workshop details
Deze PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop wordt georganiseerd door De Werff, een opleidingsinstituut voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en groei. Meer informatie over de workshop kan je vinden op de website. Daar vind je ook informatie over de andere workshops van de Werff en een agenda met alle data waarop de Advanced Workshop en andere workshops gegeven worden.
De workshop duurt vier dagen. De eerste dag werken we van 9:30 tot 18:00 uur, de tweede en derde dag van 9:00 tot 18:00 uur, en de laatste dag van 9:00 tot ongeveer 16:00 uur.
Meer weten?
Neem gerust contact op als je nog vragen hebt. Dat kan via ons contactformulier, door ons te bellen op 06 – 49 18 30 23, te Whatsappen, of te mailen . Inschrijven kan via de link hieronder: