Please be advised that only the Certified PSYCH-K® Instructors listed below are authorized to teach PSYCH-K®. If you find anyone claiming to teach PSYCH-K® (whether by video or in-person), and they are not listed here, they are doing so without legal authorization to use the copyrighted Workshop materials, nor do they have the proper experience and training to teach the workshops.
Instructors must meet rigorous training standards before they are Certified to teach PSYCH-K®. This assures you of the highest quality training possible!
To check for a legitimate Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor, simply type in the name of the person in question into the Search box. If their information DOESN’T appear, they are NOT a Certified Instructor.
Note: This list shows the Instructor’s country of origin only, however in the Workshop Schedule (see Workshop menu) you may find a workshop in a country even if no Instructor actually resides there.
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Instructor | Name | Country | Languages |
![]() Simona Hovadikova Czech Republic
English, Czech
Simona Hovadikova | Czech Republic | English, Czech |
Email:Biographical information:My name is Simona Hovadikova and I am from the Czech Republic. I am PSYCH-K® facilitator since 2016 and I have been fascinated by changes both mine and my partners/clients. My path has led me to my big dream to become PSYCH-K® Instructor. I succeeded in completing instructor certification in 2021 and I currently support others through 1-1 sessions and teach PSYCH-K® Basic workshop in Czech and English. I am honored to be a part of evolution of human consciousness and share these life enhancing processes with those ready to take the leap. I believe that time for change is NOW and every person on this planet can benefit by using efective PSYCH-K® processes. PSYCH-K® is a priceless investment to your life. Please look at the Events and book your space now.Jmenuji se Simona Hovadíková a jsem z České Republiky. Od roku 2016 jsem facilitátorkou PSYCH-K® a jsem fascinována změnami jak svými vlastními, tak mých partnerů/klientů. Má cesta mě přivedla ke splnění velkého snu, stát se PSYCH-K® instruktorem. V roce 2021 jsem úspěšně dokončila certifikaci instruktora a momentálně nabízím individuální sezení a vyučuji PSYCH-K® Basic semináře v českém a anglickém jazyce. Velmi si vážím toho, že jsem součástí evoluce lidského vědomí a že mohu sdílet tyto podporující procesy pro ty z nás, kteří jsou připraveni ke skokové změně. Věřím, že čas na změnu je nyní a že každý z nás může efektivní procesy PSYCH-K® využít ku prospěchu svému i kolektivnímu. PSYCH-K® má pro naše životy nevyčíslitelnou hodnotu. Podívejte se na plánované semináře a zarezervujte si své místo. | Simona Hovadikova | Czech Republic | English, Czech |
![]() Ian Spicer Australia
Ian Spicer | Australia | English |
Email:Biographical information:Ian is one of the most experienced and skilled PSYCH-K® Facilitators in the world, is a Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor and has helped many thousands of people transform their lives since 2006.As a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Ian works in person or online helping mostly 45-55 year old high functioning, high achieving self-aware professionals who want to quickly optimise their belief system and remove unwanted/hidden stresses to maximise their opportunities. As a Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor Ian teaches the Basic, Advanced Integration and Master Facilitation Workshops. He leads regular Divine Integration Retreats and has sponsored the Health and Wellbeing Program in Australia every year since it was launched. While Ian's Private Sessions are a little more expensive than other Facilitators he prides himself of getting a huge amount done in a session and his clients are always extremely happy evidenced by hundreds of success stories. To make sure everyone is happy with their session Ian gets all his clients to check back in a week after the session and is available if they have any further questions, concerns or if they need him urgently. This is a big help. ______________________________________________ IF READY TO BOOK A SESSION WITH IAN copy and paste the below link. All the details are there. ______________________________________________ IF INTERESTED BUT WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO IAN FIRST before booking a session please call me on the below number which is also the number for his Whats App and Telegram. ______________________________________________ IF NOT INTERESTED NOW BUT WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT PSYCH-K® please send Ian an email requesting PSYCH-K Resources and he will send you a whole bunch of video's clinical studies and feedback from clients and participants. ______________________________________________ IF LOOKING FOR A FACILITATOR that is less expensive but still very experienced please also reach out to Ian as he can also recommend Facilitators in Australia, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong that he knows personally. ______________________________________________ + Most of Ians Private Sessions are facilitated on Zoom, but he can also do FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Whats App, Telegram or phone. If you are in Sydney, or in a city which Ian is teaching a workshop face to face sessions are also available. + Online sessions are just the same and as powerful as face-to-face sessions. You do all the balance processes and Ian just does the muscle testing on your behalf. It makes complete sense in the session. | Ian Spicer | Australia | English |
![]() Ayca Akoglu Turkey
English, Turkish
Ayca Akoglu | Turkey | English, Turkish |
Email:Biographical information:PSYCH-K® Workshops and Sessions"I support people to find the peace they seek in their lives. Thus I find my own peace by experiencing being ONE." | Ayca Akoglu | Turkey | English, Turkish |
![]() Martijn Lemmens Netherlands
Dutch, English
Martijn Lemmens | Netherlands | Dutch, English |
Email:Biographical information:About MeHelping people grow into the best version of themselves is what fulfils me. As a PSYCH-K® Facilitator and Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor, I help people daily to find more joy in their work and life. For my own development, both professionally and personally, I have been using PSYCH-K® for years. It has enabled me to repeatedly break through my own glass ceilings, ultimately reaching a Director position at consultancy firm EY. I have 30 years of experience as a manager and coach at the intersection of IT and marketing. Over the years, my focus has shifted toward softer leadership skills, such as mentoring, team building, and leading change processes. Over the past 25 years, I have invested a great deal of time in my personal development. The trigger for this was working through a challenging period in my life, but quite quickly my focus shifted toward self-realisation. I have a rich background in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis (TA), and Systemic Work. In all of these coaching techniques, gaining self-awareness and learning coping strategies were always central. My introduction to PSYCH-K® marked a turning point. I discovered that real change is possible without constantly revisiting the past. By applying PSYCH-K® processes to my self-realization goals, I experienced tremendous growth and achieved personal and professional successes that I had previously thought were impossible. My Core Values Autonomy We are all autonomous and responsible for our own lives. You decide whether you want to grow and in which direction, and whether you want to change, and if so, how. You will go through your own growth and change process, and I am happy to support you along the way! Honesty As a Coach and PSYCH-K® Facilitator, I will reflect back to you honestly so that you can truly learn and grow. In return, you can be honest with me about what you want or don’t want. Joy Joy has many expressions, such as connection, gratitude, purpose, flow, and self-acceptance. We are all, in our own way, searching for a fulfilled and happy life. PSYCH-K® is an excellent modality for transforming your life into one filled with joy. Supportive Environment I feel supported by life itself and by the people around me. This supportive environment provides safety and trust, making growth and change possible. Together with you, I will create the safe environment to support your transformation. | Martijn Lemmens | Netherlands | Dutch, English |
![]() Katherine Moyer United States
Katherine Moyer | United States | English |
Email:Biographical information:PSYCH-K® “magically” appeared in my life in 2002.After a childhood with seven divorces, twelvish schools, countless addresses and jobs, a few homeless opportunities in my late teens, a short marriage followed by a divorce of my own, and several healthy doses of drama and chaos, something needed to change! At twenty-nine, I loaded up my car and headed for Texas! I’d never been there, didn't know anyone, and no job lined up waiting for me once I arrived. Some call that gutsy but for me, it felt like survival. My current reality just wasn't an option any longer. It was obvious if I wanted BIG changes, I had to take BIG actions. Packing up and moving 1300 miles away from the old environment and everyone I knew was a bold first step, but wasn’t the magical fix I was hoping for. Within a few months I was recreating familiar drama with different names and faces. There it was! The blinding, yet painful flash of the obvious … there is only one common denominator here. Everywhere I go, there I AM! And THAT is where changing anything BEGINS. “Seven-years-in” to creating a new life in Texas, something amazing landed on my radar. With another bold leap, I used a week’s vacation and traveled to complete a Basic and Advanced PSYCH-K® workshop. When I reported back to work on Monday morning, EVERYTHING changed. Before I left, I was on a short-list of employees to be terminated (you know, those old patterns were creeping back up). Upon my return, two promotions in six months! The Universe created an opportunity (that’s not what it felt like in the moment) to discover my gift and niche for training and I quickly became a trainer of trainers. Apparently, I returned to work a version of myself even I didn’t know was “in there”! Eleven months later I was a certified PSYCH-K® Instructor and the most incredible adventures continue today! So, what's life like now, 22 years after that week? WOW, what a ride! Life is more amazing than I ever imagined. Countless gifts including 28 years with a husband who loves supporting other courageous souls learning this work; corporate retirement at 45; completed my Ph.D. graduating Summa Cum Laude; an inner peace throughout the ongoing worldwide chaos and transitioning of many friends and family; living with a deep knowing that EVERYTHING is happening FOR me, not TO me is the biggest gift of all. The filters, interpretations and conditions from my early years created layers of illusions blocking me from peace, joy, love and all things good in life. This has been a priceless tool supporting the recognition that my value, worth and divinity are intrinsic and to know I have all the internal resources and capacity to create a joyful, purposeful life along the way. Yes, it's been messy at times and I am eternally grateful for every single step I’ve taken on this journey. Grateful I listened to that deep inner calling. Grateful I didn’t let FEAR or my conscious mind take me OUT. Grateful how my path continues to reveal itself as I make my way. Grateful for the opportunity so many “gift me” in witnessing and participating in this part of THEIR amazing journey … It's never too late for change. A journey of a thousand miles starts with ONE decision. ONE meaningful step toward something different can change everything! Time is the only thing you can't get back! Is the desire for change, leveling up or a quantum leap in your heart and soul? Let’s meet sooner rather than later! Namaste, Katherine Moyer, PhD | Katherine Moyer | United States | English |
![]() Deepa Arora United Arab Emirates
Deepa Arora | United Arab Emirates | English |
Email:Biographical information:On this journey of evolving consciousness, I am immensely in gratitude to have found PSYCH-K®️. I had been practicing different modalities as a consciousness coach and psychotherapist for over 10 years but for me PSYCH-K®️ is like water to fish. My life purpose is to support mental, emotional and physical wellbeing through teaching PSYCH-K®️ as well as facilitating PSYCH-K®️ sessions as we definitely can rewrite our destiny by rewriting our beliefs. I have witnessed magical results personally and professionally and I am happy to serve always. | Deepa Arora | United Arab Emirates | English |
![]() Robin Graham United States
Robin Graham | United States | English |
Email:Biographical information:Looking to Live Your Greatness? You are so much more than you think you are - It's time to step forward and shine your light.1994 was the year PSYCH-K® and I embraced each other. I have been an Instructor since 1997 and have taught workshops around the world as well as facilitated private sessions with hundreds around the world. With over 30 years of experience, my approach is efficient and spirit centered. Private sessions are available in-person, on the phone or via online video. My business experience includes 10 years in corporate positions and over 35 years as an entrepreneur working with corporations and leaders at all levels as well as individuals in various business positions. In addition to teaching PSYCH-K®, I am also the Director of Training for PSYCH-K®. Sessions can be focused with personal development as well as professional mindset transformation. If you are committed to personal and/or professional transformation, contact me and let's explore if we are the best fit to work together. | Robin Graham | United States | English |
![]() Rita Funes Mexico
English, Spanish
Rita Funes | Mexico | English, Spanish |
Email:Biographical information:Since March 2016, I decided to dedicate myself to facilitate PSYCH-K® with a lot of love and professionalism. Now, I have the possibility and the honor to teach PSYCH-K®. | Rita Funes | Mexico | English, Spanish |
![]() Martha Vargas Colombia
English, Spanish
Martha Vargas | Colombia | English, Spanish |
Email:Biographical information:Mi nombre es Martha Vargas y mi propósito de vida es ¡VIVIR!Vivir con intención y honrar el regalo que me hizo el Gran Espíritu: la posibilidad de ser testigo y partícipe de la evolución de mi amada humanidad. Para mí, PSYCH-K® es la herramienta más práctica y efectiva la autorrealización y para liberar mi mente – es un verdadero proceso de lo que llamo “espiritualidad aplicada” que me ayuda a ser una mejor versión de mi misma. | Martha Vargas | Colombia | English, Spanish |
![]() Mary Mazur United States
Mary Mazur | United States | English |
Email:Biographical information:PSYCH-K® came into my life in 2010. Since I learned this simple, powerful, and effective change process, I opened up completely to my true essence as a Spiritual Being having an amazing human experience here. I am a Certified PSYCH-K® Basic Instructor & Facilitator, and a Certified Holistic RN. I have been published in Finance Yahoo, Business Insider, Benzinga, and Best in Michigan Magazine.My passion for helping others self-heal grew when my former husband was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2008. That life changing experience in my family lead me to read Bruce Lipton's book " Biology of Belief" and inspired me to become a PSYCH-K® Instructor & a Certified Holistic Nurse. Caring for women in childbirth for over 26 years, I grew insight into the power of the subconscious mind creating either stress or peace during childbirth and motherhood. My specialty is in helping others birth their true essence by uniting their unique personal power with their Spiritual Self within them becoming whole in mind, spirit, & body. I help those who are ready for positive changes, especially those ready to remove the things that limit them to their full potential. Many times life experiences wake us up and ignite us to expand and grow. Using PSYCH-K® easily and effectively helps with these changes, so changes may be achievable by working directly with the subconscious mind. I am especially passionate to teach & assist those ready to ignite their awakening of their Divine Essence within them and to become one with themselves within, and with their Divine so their lives here become one of balance and harmony, ease and flow. I meet in person in the Metro Detroit area, and/or virtually on . I live in the Eastern Standard Time zone. What a joy it will be to connect with you so you may work with yourself in this profound way! | Mary Mazur | United States | English |
![]() Sharon Lock United Kingdom
Sharon Lock | United Kingdom | English |
Email:Biographical information:I have used PSYCH-K® in my work as a Health, Wellbeing and Mindset Coach since 2008, although have been a therapist since 2002. I am absolutely passionate about PSYCH-K® and have been astonished by the results I have seen working with myself, my family and clients. It is an understatement to say that PSYCH-K® has changed my life on every level and for that I am truly grateful. My youngest son was conceived just 7 days after completing the Advanced Integration Workshop, following 4 years of trying to conceive and a traumatic miscarriage in 2007. Now I am blessed to support others to create the change in their lives they are searching for, and to empower them to create their own path home to health, wellbeing and fulfilment in life. I currently support others through 1-1 sessions and I'm also blessed to teach PSYCH-K® Workshops as a certified PSYCH-K® Instructor. I am available for 1-1 PSYCH-K® sessions via | Sharon Lock | United Kingdom | English |
![]() Brunhild Hofmann Germany
English, German
Brunhild Hofmann | Germany | English, German |
Email:Biographical information:We all have an obligation to ourselves to make the best use of our lives that we possibly can. We have an obligation to develop to our full potential and, as a result, enrich our own lives and those of the people around us.
| Brunhild Hofmann | Germany | English, German |
![]() Mercedes Garcia Argentina
English, Spanish
Mercedes Garcia | Argentina | English, Spanish |
Email:Biographical information:Licenciada en publicidad con 48 años. Tras 8 años de carrera ascendente enagencias de publicidad de Argentina y España, en el 2007 un café me cambió la vida. Aquel sobre de azúcar decía “no hacer algo por miedo a equivocarse es como suicidarse por miedo a morir”. Esa mañana renuncié. La vida exitosa cumplía con todos los ítems pero no cubría el casillero de la felicidad. Doy un salto al vacío desde la cumbre de la ejecutiva agresiva al valle del sabueso espiritual, con un único objetivo: descubrir mi verdadero propósito. Tras 5 años en ese camino me encuentro con el Dr. Bruce Lipton, mundialmente reconocido por ser uno de los padres de la Epigenética, quien recomienda PSYCH-K® en sus dos libros "La biología de la creencia" y "La Biología de la transformación", como la herramienta que utiliza para cambiar las creencias limitantes. Comprendí que ser espiritual es ser uno mismo y que aquella vida cuasi perfecta era el resultado de otro programa desconectado de mi verdadero deseo. Siguiendo el consejo de Bruce Lipton, realicé el Taller Básico y Avanzado de PSYCH-K® en Madrid y Barcelona. Mi vida dio la vuelta en 3 meses, así que regresé a mi país, Argentina para volver a empezar, viviendo bajo mi propio ¨programa". Realicé el Taller de PER-K® y empecé a realizar sesiones de PSYCH-K®. Tantos cambios en mi y en otros terminaron de plasmar la idea de ser la primera Instructora de PSYCH-K® en Argentina. Tuve el honor de certificarme como Instructora de PSYCH-K® con Rob Williams, originador de PSYCH-K®, en Abril del 2014. En Marzo de 2015 me formé como facilitadora de PSYCH-K® Health and Wellness en Chicago con Duccio Locati y durante el año 2018 me certifiqué como Instructora de PSYCH-K® MFW. Actualmente imparto el Taller Básico, Avanzado, MFW y RID de PSYCH-K® y realizo sesiones online en Español e Inglés. Enseñar y Facilitar PSYCH-K es de las experiencias que más me conectan con el placer® y mi sentido de vida. | Mercedes Garcia | Argentina | English, Spanish |
![]() Sabrina Kiermaier Germany
English, German
Sabrina Kiermaier | Germany | English, German |
Email:Biographical information:PSYCH-K® ist eines der besten Geschenke meines Lebens und hat mein Leben auf eine positive Art geändert und bereichert, die ich mir anfangs nicht hätte vorstellen können. Es hat mich auf eine Reise zu mir selbst gebracht und ich weiß, dass alles möglich ist, wenn wir uns dafür entscheiden und transformieren, was uns unterbewusst daran hindert. Es ist möglich ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben zu führen und unsere Wünsche und Träume zu verwirklichen und ich bin zutiefst dankbar Menschen auf diesem Weg zu begleiten.PSYCH-K® is one of the best gifts of my life and has changed and enriched my life in a positive way that I couldn’t have imagined in the beginning. It took me on a journey to myself and I know anything is possible if we choose it and transform what’s subconsciously stopping us. It is possible to have a happy and fulfilled life and to realize our wishes and dreams and I am deeply grateful to facilitate people on this path. | Sabrina Kiermaier | Germany | English, German |
![]() Irene Menis Italy
English, Italian, French
Irene Menis | Italy | English, Italian, French |
Email:Biographical information: | Irene Menis | Italy | English, Italian, French |
![]() Sandra Wallin Canada
Sandra Wallin | Canada | English |
Email:Biographical information:Sandra was born, and happily lives near, Vancouver, Canada. She was a school teacher and counsellor for over twenty years and has been a psychotherapist in private practice since 1996. After a horseback riding accident left her unconscious and broken, Sandra began to use the PSYCH-K® processes she’d been sharing with others, with herself. Her healing progressed exponentially! She knew then she had to learn as much as she could about PSYCH-K®.Soon after, Sandra became a Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor and has since had the pleasure of sharing these life changing processes with people the world over; in open workshop settings, within schools, organizations and communities, and at the request of Dr. Bruce Lipton, at a maximum security prison where she’s been helping men serving life sentences, break free from the prison of their limiting beliefs. Sandra loves integrating PSYCH-K into the life-changing work she does work with horses, who illuminate restricting subconscious and behaviours so they can be gracefully transformed right then and there, in the field. | Sandra Wallin | Canada | English |
![]() Adelajda Child United States
English, Polish
Adelajda Child | United States | English, Polish |
Email:Biographical information:As a certified PSYCH-K® Instructor, I enjoy the opportunity to share my knowledge, energy and positive outlook with others. My experience and training in PSYCH-K® on a Basic, Advanced, Master and Health & Wellbeing levels completes my facilitation arsenal allowing me to provide my students and clients with the tools and methods that can be beneficial to achieve their life and health goals.My extensive experience allows me to guide them trough their journey of belief change and trauma healing so they can achieve happiness and peace that they search. My client's and student's success stories reflect my ability to, time after time, help most of them improve their health & life so they achieve a higher level of life satisfaction. I love teaching the rapid belief change modality of PSYCH-K® so they can pursue their life goals and dreams and help others do the same. It's wonderful and very fulfilling to see my students empowered, happier, healthier and more productive in mind, body & spirit. If you want to know more, please click my website below or drop me an e-mail me at Create The Life You Desire: - Attract Success & Abundance - Change Self-Limiting Beliefs & Life Blocks - Improve Your Health - Transform Traumatic Experiences - Release Stress and Phobias - Overcome Bad Habits and Fears - Balance Relationships - And More! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jako certyfikowany Instruktor PSYCH-K® cieszę się możliwością dzielenia się swoją wiedzą, energią i pozytywnym nastawieniem z innymi. Moje doświadczenie i szkolenia w zakresie PSYCH-K® na poziomach Podstawowym, Zaawansowanym, Master oraz Health & Wellbeing uzupełnia mój arsenał facylitacji, pozwala zapewnić moim studentom i klientom narzędzia, które są korzystne dla osiągnięcia ich celów życiowych i zdrowotnych. Dzięki moje doświadczeniu mogę prowadzić ich przez podróż zmiany przekonań i uzdrowienia traumy, tak aby mogli osiągnąć szczęście i spokój, których poszukują. Historie sukcesu moich klientów i studentów odzwierciedlają moją zdolność do tego, aby raz po raz pomóc większości z nich poprawić ich zdrowie i życie, aby osiągnąć wyższy poziom zadowolenia z życia. Uwielbiam uczyć PSYCH-K® metody szybkiej zmiany przekonań, aby mogli realizować swoje życiowe cele i marzenia oraz pomagać innym robić to samo. To wspaniałe i bardzo satysfakcjonujące widzieć moich uczniów wzmocnionych, szczęśliwszych, zdrowszych i bardziej produktywnych w umyśle, ciele i duchu. Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej, kliknij moją stronę poniżej lub napisz do mnie na adres Stwórz życie, którego pragniesz: - Przyciągnij sukces i obfitość - Zmień samoograniczające się przekonania i bloki życiowe - Popraw swoje zdrowie - Przekształć traumatyczne doświadczenia - Uwolnij stres i fobie - Pokonaj złe nawyki i lęki - Równowaga Relacje - I więcej! Ps. Jestem również do dyspozycji polskich klientów oraz uczniów! Polskie Warsztaty już się odbywają! Zapraszam na zapisy. | Adelajda Child | United States | English, Polish |
![]() Paula van der Werff Netherlands
English, Dutch
Paula van der Werff | Netherlands | English, Dutch |
Email:Biographical information:I am a certified PSYCH-K® instructor for the Basic, Advanced Integration and Master Facilitation Workshop. In addition, I am a registered psychologist with my own practice in Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.I have a double B.A. in Psychology and Education Counseling from Tel-Aviv University (Israel), a M.A. in Social Psychology from Harvard University (U.S.A.) and a M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology from Leiden University (Netherlands). To paraphrase Rumi: When I was young I enjoyed gaining knowledge about the world, now that I am older I enjoy gaining knowledge about myself. On my website you can download my free e-book “What is PSYCH-K®"? And if you would like to know more about me or the PSYCH-K® method, then I advise you to buy my book: Become the Master of Your Mind. | Paula van der Werff | Netherlands | English, Dutch |
![]() Cazzie Dare United Kingdom
Cazzie Dare | United Kingdom | English |
Email:Biographical information: | Cazzie Dare | United Kingdom | English |
![]() Marianna VanGogh Canada
English, Dutch
Marianna VanGogh | Canada | English, Dutch |
Email:Biographical information:Marianna has been a PSYCH-K® Instructor, residing in Calgary Alberta Canada, since 2008. Marianna facilities private sessions via Zoom. Marianna teaches the Basic PSYCH-K® Workshop, the Advanced PSYCH-K® Integration Workshop and the Master Facilitation Workshop and the Divine Integration retreat. Also Online Level 1 and 2.As Dr Bruce Lipton with Rob Williams explains in this video how to overcome, with PSYCH-K®, FEAR and Strengthen your immune system especially now with the whole COVID 19 scare. Marianna has been a facilitator for more than 14 years and also facilitates the Balances from the PSYCH-K®Health and Wellbeing program. She facilitates sessions in private, over the telephone and on-line thru Zoom. She has clients who take sessions all over the world. To connect to Marianna | Marianna VanGogh | Canada | English, Dutch |
![]() Eralp Caner United States
English, Turkish
Eralp Caner | United States | English, Turkish |
Email:Biographical information:Eralp Caner is a founder and director of the Healing Hall Holistic Clinic in Istanbul.He is a Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor and Facilitator, who has worked with over a thousand clients throughout the world. His focus is Psycho-energetics and Neuroscience, specifically, teaching and facilitating Subconscious Mind Change. His services are highly sought out by individuals as well as corporate clients. He is also a Diploma Level Domancic Bioenergy Therapist, certified Reconnective Healing and Reconnection practitioner, and OSHO Constellation Therapist, among others. He works with clients in person and via Skype and teaches PSYCH-K® workshops worldwide. | Eralp Caner | United States | English, Turkish |
![]() Martine Tondeur Belgium
English, French, Dutch
Martine Tondeur | Belgium | English, French, Dutch |
Email:Biographical information:My training and experience as a professional nurse and teacher in health care form a perfect basis for my work as PSYCH-K® Instructor and Facilitator at my holistic practice, Celeste. That name relates to ‘heavenly’, after the heavenly feeling that engulfs you when you are finally able to let go. When you have finally transformed all your conflicts and stress into feelings of peace and harmony. At my practice, but also in the field, I give workshops and individual coaching in Dutch, French and English in Belgium, France, Switserland and Scandinavia or wherever I'm invited. | Martine Tondeur | Belgium | English, French, Dutch |
![]() Duccio Locati Switzerland
English, Italian
Duccio Locati | Switzerland | English, Italian |
Email:Biographical information:My name is Duccio Locati, and here is a brief outline of my experience to date.After obtaining a diploma at the Istituto Superiore di Osteopatia in Milan, I took a B.Sc. Ost. Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy, at Wells University, Great Britain. I followed several post-graduate courses in Osteopathy in Italy, France, England and the United States, to further my knowledge and understanding of this wonderful profession. As my interest in the connection between the mind and body grew, and as I discovered the incredible self-healing capacities of the human body, I extended my studies beyond the osteopathic field by attending a two year course in Biological Medicine, based on the 5 Biological Laws. After reading ”The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton, I continued my training by attending a basic and advanced course of PSYCH-K®. As I began to appreciate the huge potential, immediacy and simplicity of this methodology, I decided to become a certified PSYCH-K® instructor in order to share this fantastic experience with those wishing to take control of their own lives. With an aim to be increasingly effective but also less invasive in my job , and for my personal growth, I have attended various seminars held by Cristobal and Alejandro Jodorowsky about family tree Psych Genealogy, learning about all the influences that it can have on different aspects of life and finding interesting connections with PSYCH-K® and with all that I had previously learned. Having an inquisitive mind and always eager to embrace change, I took the opportunity to meet Serge Kahili, the leading exponent of the Huna philosophy from which a great deal of PSYCH-K® is derived, and to attend 2 intensive courses held by him. This experience allowed me to deepen the awareness that changing our reality is not only possible but also a duty towards ourselves and those around us. In 2011, Rob Williams, PSYCH-K originator, asked me to direct the PSYCH-K Health and Wellbeing Program, course that I love to share all around the world with people willing to use PSYCH-K at a very high level, especially in the Health and Wellness field. Both in my job and in the various courses I hold I do my best to share my experiences and to convey everything I have been fortunate enough to learn over the years and for which I am so grateful every day. | Duccio Locati | Switzerland | English, Italian |
![]() Andrea Zulauf Switzerland
English, German
Andrea Zulauf | Switzerland | English, German |
Email:Biographical information:In 2014 I experienced myself, how powerful PSYCH-K® is and how rapidly it changed my life! Since then I decided to become a Certified Instructor - Finally 2021 my dream came true! Now I am ready to teach the Basic Workshop and to spread this wisdom all over the world. | Andrea Zulauf | Switzerland | English, German |
![]() Rosemarie Pletzer Australia
English, French
Rosemarie Pletzer | Australia | English, French |
Email:Biographical information:I love exploring why we may not be living our lives to our full potential. I come from 30 years of health and well being background and arrived at the realization that it is so very helpful if the subconscious programs are lined up with our conscious wisdom and goals. My entry into PSYCH-K(R) was initially for myself and to help me with my subconscious belief challenges. I then began facilitating with others and really enjoy the partnership that occurs within each session. I love meeting you where you are and facilitating the changes you are wanting. | Rosemarie Pletzer | Australia | English, French |
![]() Jo Ann Sweeney United States
Jo Ann Sweeney | United States | English |
Email:Biographical information:PSYCH-K® is my passion and calling! I would be honored to work together.From my experience, there is no faster way than PSYCH-K® to realizing the great potential within you. It is closer than you can imagine... I work in person in my office in Milford, New Jersey and worldwide via zoom or phone. I would be happy to assist you in discovering the greater aspect of who you are and to help you to live a happier and more fulfilling life. I am a Preferred Affiliate and a Certified PSYCH-K®Basic and Master Facilitation Instructor teaching the workshops that changed the trajectory of my life! | Jo Ann Sweeney | United States | English |
![]() Beth Holstein United States
English, Portuguese
Beth Holstein | United States | English, Portuguese |
Email:Biographical information:Beth has been a psychotherapist for 39 years and a Certified Instructor for 23 years. I teach PSYCH-K®️ Workshops in the Midwest, Brazil and Portugal and the last 2 are taught in Portuguese. I also facilitate sessions in person and online. | Beth Holstein | United States | English, Portuguese |
![]() Matilde Santos Leal Spain
English, Spanish
Matilde Santos Leal | Spain | English, Spanish |
Email:Biographical information:Licenciada en Psicología Clínica por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, colegiada nº CA00525.Instructora Internacional Certificada de PSYCH-K® y de PER-K®. Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, colegiada nº 2568. Formación de 2 años como hipnoterapeuta impartida por miembros de la Sociedad Española de Hipnosis Clínica y Experimental. Formación en PNL (Programación Neurolingüistica) impartida por Ian Brownlee de Brownlee & Associates. Formación de 5 años como Analista Bioenergético impartida por formadores internacionales del IIBA (Intenational Institute of Bioenergetic Analisys). Formación como Mediadora Familiar impartida por el Instituto de la Mujer (Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales). Miembro y cofundadora de la Sociedad Hipnológica Científica. Ponente en el VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, de la mesa redonda: “Hipnosis clínica aplicada a la fibromialgia desde diferentes enfoques” coordinada por Isidro Pérez Hidalgo presidente de la Sociedad Hipnológica Científica. Oviedo (20 – 24 Julio 2010). Coautora del libro “Hipnosis en la Práctica Clínica, Volumen I, Técnicas Generales” Ed. EOS Ha impartido y sigue impartiendo talleres de PSYCH-K® y de PER-K® por todo el mundo (Londres, Nueva York, Hong Kong, Kiev, Lisboa, Madrid, Barcelona, etc). Facilita retiros sobre nutrición, salud y belleza en los que aborda todos los aspectos relacionados con pautas y hábitos saludables. | Matilde Santos Leal | Spain | English, Spanish |
![]() Peter Gonzalez United States
English, Spanish
Peter Gonzalez | United States | English, Spanish |
Email:Biographical information:My first experience of PSYCH-K® was watching a demonstration by a PSYCH-K® Instructor on the last day of a conference I was photographing of Dr. Bruce Lipton in my hometown of Austin, Texas. During the demonstration, a part of me spoke and I heard a voice clearly and confidently say, "That´s for me! And I´m going to take it to Spain!" Seven months later I had been Certified and became the first Spanish-speaking Instructor. Since March of 2008, I have had the opportunity to teach hundreds of workshops in 9 countries. My passion is to support others in discovering and expressing their greatness with ease, joy, and Love. | Peter Gonzalez | United States | English, Spanish |